Friday, September 21, 2007

The 100th Day

Woke up this morning, stretched, hiked 10km, ate salmon cakes. Now I am ready to fly from Rutland, Vermont back to Canada. Wowza. 100 days on the road with the red bag. England, France, India, Thailand, China, USA.

Its truly amazing having friends all around the globe. I must give thanks to the following folks for letting me sleep on spare beds, feeding me and letting me do a load of laundry and making me feel at home (as always):

Alex, Tim and Maya in Oxford and Sussex
Saz and Loz in Oxford
The Halperin's (Claire's parents) in London
Chris, Shaila and Will in Mussourie
Yvonne in Beijing
Jason and Timber in Shanghai
Ann and Aki in New York City
Ari, Lena and Kia in Washington D.C.

And of course thanks to everyone for sending emails, words of encouragement and general well wishes!

I feel like I am making an Oscar speech.

Onto the RED BAG
I didn't use or barely used, but still carried with me:
- first aid kit
- mascara, eyeliner and bronzer
- all medications

What proved to be indispensible:
- a black wicked hooded jacket from MEC
- the Rayban sunglasses
- orange headband to cover up these really bad roots
- lululemon bra
- just about everything else. I packed quite well actually!

I didn't get sick. I didn't get anything stolen or lost. I didn't break any bones. I didn't buy any cigarettes. I didn't eat Peking Duck in Beijing. I do feel fit. I did take 2000 photos. I went on a lot of boat trips. I met a ton of cool people, and saw many old friends.

But to be honest, I am now ready to swap my hiking boots for a cool pair of heeled boots again, I definitely need to get my eyebrows waxed, and I'd like to sleep in one bed longer than 7 nights...


Hugh said...

Welcome back Lorra - we will be glad to have you back, missed ya!

We'll have lunch soon - love BABA

Joanne said...

Congratulations sis!

You know I love ya...

Welcome home...

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