Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Himalaya. Apparently there is actually no plural of the Himalaya as it is a mountain range, and therefore singular. I am here in Landour, near Mussoorie, just past Dehra Dun. Chris and his wife Shaila, with baby Will, are here for Hindi language training to be better able to conduct her PhD research.

Their house is nestled in the mountains where it seems that every millisecond the landscape changes. Its monsoon in India, but we have been fairly lucky with the rains mostly coming at night. Though on my first night here I woke up in a panic as the sheet lightening was incredibly scary and the rains were pounding on the tin roof. We've been taking lots of walks and I just continue to remain captivated at the absolutely awe-inspiring images here. Hope my camera has been able to do the scenes justice!


Joanne said...

Love it!! I couldn't even imagine what it must have been like...

Looks, unbelieveable!

Anonymous said...

So this is where you've been! Loved the belly dancer- was that tassel a bit scant on the coverage? Looks like you're having the adventure of a lifetime!! xo Amy

Mark said...

What's the big deal? Ever been to the Gatineau?

greenbean said...

yo! i was in musourie... thats where i met the dalai lama... how cool that you went there!

Ralph said...

Hey, I'm in Dehra Dun right now! I'd never heard of the place until I got here. I've been here for two months and there seems to be a steady stream of Europeans and Americans flowing through here. We usually see them on the rare occasion we visit Domino's, McDonalds or Pizza Hut. How was the ride up to Mussoorie? Better than any amusement ride, huh?